
4月2日, 2019, 帕洛阿尔托学院 was named a Rising Star of the 2019 阿斯彭优秀社区大学奖, the nation’s signature recognition of high achievement and performance in America’s community colleges. 


自2011年起每两年颁发一次, the 阿斯彭优秀社区大学奖 recognizes institutions that achieve high and improving student outcomes, 从1个以上中选择,全国有1000所社区学院. 只关注学生的机会和成功, the Aspen Prize recognizes community colleges with exceptional achievements in four areas: student learning; certificate and degree completion while in community college and after transferring to a four-year institution; employment and earnings rates after 毕业; and access for and success of minority and limited-income students.


帕洛阿尔托学院 was honored for building clear pathways to degrees and transfer, 卓越的学生辅导, 与K-12教育体系建立强有力的伙伴关系, which have resulted in remarkable improvement in the 毕业 and transfer rate over four years, 从28%到47%.

约书亚怀纳, Executive Director of the Aspen Institute’s 大学 Excellence Program, 所述, “帕洛阿尔托学院 has engaged in an impressive set of structural reforms over the past few years focused on building clear pathways to transfer and restructuring advising. 这些改革, which the college has extended into its work with high school students, 使帕洛阿尔托能够迅速提高学生的成绩, delivering to more and more students what they want and need: a valuable degree."



As part of 帕洛阿尔托学院’s journey to performance excellence, we pursued opportunities like the Texas Award for Performance Excellence and the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award as an effort to maintain our organizational strengths and opportunities for improvement. As one of only 15 in the Texas named to the top 150 community colleges eligible for the Aspen Prize, 帕洛阿尔托学院 moved forward to the next round of the competition by submitting an application in November 2017. The application was reviewed through a rigorous evaluation before being announced as one of the ten finalists eligible for the 2019 阿斯彭优秀社区大学奖.

杰出的教育奖评审团, 业务, and civil rights experts held multiday site visits to each finalist school. The winners were selected as part of a rigorous review process that included the examination of extensive data on performance and improvements in learning, 毕业, 劳动力, 公平的结果.


阿斯彭学院的学生成功的四个方面 帕洛阿尔托学院的杰出成就领域
学习 学生的学习
完成 证书/学位完成和转学
劳动力市场 毕业后的就业和收入
股本 少数族裔和收入有限的学生的成功





This learning community for underserved first-time-in-college students (FTICs) combines a rigorous literacy-based and culturally relevant curriculum across disciplines, 个性化建议和个人咨询, 领导力发展, 社区外展.



帕洛阿尔托学院’s restructured developmental mathematics sequence created well-defined, 加速进入和完成大学代数, aiming to increase the number of students who complete the entry math course within their first year.

合作伙伴:早期大学和高中 & 双重信用

合作伙伴:早期大学和高中 & 双重信用

Through the 大学’s dual credit and Early 大学 High School (ECHS) programs, 大约3,000 local high school students in limited-income and primarily Hispanic communities are earning college credit while completing requirements for their high school diploma each year.



的年代.H.A.R.E. (学生健康, 宣传, Resource and Engagement) Center addresses the challenges our students face by providing a central on-campus location that offers in-demand services like a clothes 关闭t, 食品分发处, 金融健康, 健康检查, 并转介到额外的支持服务. The Center’s donor-funded emergency aid program also provides short-term financial assistance that allows students to stay enrolled and on track toward achieving their degree or certificates.



这种独特的, comprehensive advising model is focused on case management and proactive outreach to support students in achieving their educational goals.


8月20日, 2019 members of the 帕洛阿尔托学院 community participated in the Aspen Dollars event to celebrate our designation as an Aspen Rising Star. Attendees also had an opportunity to provide input about the best ways to invest the $100,奖金为5,000元.
